Channel Guidelines
Revision as of 15:16, 3 August 2011 by TML (Talk | contribs) (Keeping conversations civil isn't limited to those with an op)
- Don't ask to ask, Don't state: "I have a question", Don't ask: "Is anyone around?" or "Can anyone help?". Just Ask The Question
- Don't Repeat. If nobody answers your question, don't just repeat it; we all heard you the first time. more likely, nobody knows the answer
/msg php-bot ask
, or you need to provide more information. - How you ask a question will have an impact on the quality and accuracy of the response. has some good tips for improving your questions so you can get the answers you're looking for.
- /msg the bot. There's no need to ask him in public.
- Be polite and patient.
- Don't flood/paste. >= 3 lines constitutes a flood and you will be punished. This is your warning.
/msg php-bot pastebin
. Also/msg php-bot enter
- No spam, bots, scripts, trolls, job postings, away/back messages. All these things decrease our already low signal:noise ratio.
/msg php-bot jobs
for more info on job postings. - If it's not a PHP question, dont ask. Try any of these channels depending on your question: SQL Q's: #sql, #mysql or #postgresql. Apache Q's: #httpd. Linux Q's: Either #yourdistro, #linuxhelp or #linpeople. HTML/CSS/JavaScript Q's: #html/#css/##javascript or #web. Just because some other channel is 'dead' does NOT mean you can ask here.
- Don't message OPs privately without permission. Exceptions for those people who are unable to speak in channel but need to talk to the OPs about channel issues or matters.
- We don't support script(s). We help you write PHP, not recommend or download and install/hack/modify/adapt/use pre-written scripts or third party APIs. Contact the authors of the script for support options they provide.
- ##php is a manual supplement. Read the manual FIRST, If after reading the manual you still have difficulties, then you are welcome to ask questions in ##php
- Spelling and grammar do matter. Speak well and you will be treated well. cH47 l33t N u r 2 b 0wnx0r3d!!!!!!!!
- ##php is an english speaking ONLY channel, please go to #php.Language_Code for your own languages, i.e. or or
- Disagreements are OK as long as it remains civil, but the channel guidelines are not open to debate.
- The purpose of ##php is to assist those who have EXHAUSTED their resources (manual, Google, appropriate IRC channels, etc) in developing their own PHP code. We are not your personal slaves; don't treat us like it. Respect the channel guidelines, as ignorance is no excuse. Please act maturely.